How do I change my SBI register mobile number

How do I change my SBI register mobile number

Changing Mobile Number Through Internet Banking

A retail internet banking customer (resident customer) who has an active ATM co-debit card, which is mapped with the internet banking user name, can change his mobile number online without visiting the branch.

Step by step process

  • Enter online SBI (State Bank of India)
  • Go to the ‘Profile’ tab.
  • Click the ‘Personal Details’ link.
  • Enter profile password
  • Display name, email id and mobile number registered in INB will be displayed.
  • Click on the hyper link ‘Change Mobile Number – Domestic Only (Through OTP / ATM / Contact Center)’.
  • A new screen ‘Personal Details – Mobile Number Update’ will appear with three tabs ‘Create Request’, ‘Cancel Request’ and ‘Status’.
  • Input ‘New Mobile Number’
  • Input re-input ‘new mobile number’.
  • Click the ‘submit’ button.
  • A pop-up message will appear on the ‘Verify and confirmation of your mobile number xxxxxxxxxx’ screen.
  • Click on ‘OK’ to proceed.

A new screen will be displayed with three different ways to allow change of mobile number; By OTP on both mobile numbers: Internet Banking Request Approval Through ATMApproval Through Contact Center

(A) OTP by both mobile numbers: – If you have both old and new mobile numbers, changes in online mobile number can be approved using OTP:-

  • Click on the radio button against ‘Options by OTP on both mobile numbers’.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • Select the account by clicking on the radio button, for which you have a debit card.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • At the next screen, ATM calinked to the selected account will be displayed.
  • Choose the ATM card and click the ‘Proced’ button.
  • On the next screen, the State Gateway of State Bank of India will be displayed.
  • Enter card details (card number, valid through / expiry date, cardholder’s name, PINs and characters visible in the box).
  • Click the ‘submit’ button.
  • Verify the information and click on the ‘Pay’ button.
  • On successful verification, the INB system will send an OTP with reference number to your old and new mobile number.
  • You must activate the BOTH (old and new) mobile numbers within 4 hours in the following format 567676. E.g. active 12345678 UM12051500123
  • After successful verification of OTP value and reference number, the new mobile number you input will be copied to INB, CBS and ATM. In this regard, a successful message will be displayed to the customer on his mobile number.
  • After successful verification of OTP value and reference number, the new mobile number you input will be copied to INB, CBS and ATM. In this regard, a successful message will be displayed to the customer on his mobile number.

(B) IRATA: Internet Banking Request Approval Through ATM: –

  • Click on the radio button ‘IRATA: Internet Banking Request Acceptance Through ATM’ option.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • Select the account by clicking on the radio button, for which you have a debit card.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • At the next screen, ATM ca(active and inactive) associated with the selected account will be displayed.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • On the next screen, the State Gateway of State Bank of India will be displayed.
  • Enter card details (card number, valid through / expiry date, cardholder’s name, PINs and characters visible in the box).
  • Click the ‘submit’ button.
  • Verify and click on the ‘Pay’ button.
  • On successful verification, the customer will be displayed on the following message screen; “Thank you for registering a mobile number with us, the status of your request is pending.
  • Complete the registration process as per your choice.
  • “There is a SMS for change number / update mobile number: UMXXXXXXXXXXX and your IRATA reference is XXXXXXXXXX” will be sent to your new mobile number by the INB system.
  • Please visit any State Bank Group ATM, swipe your card, select the ‘Services’ tab and enter your PIN.
  • Select the ‘Other’ tab on the ATM screen and select the ‘Internet Banking Requests Application’ option.
  • Input 10-digit reference number for approval of the request.
  • On successful completion of the process, the request (change of mobile number) will be completed.
  • On successful verification of OTP pricing and reference number, the new mobile number you input will be updated on INB, CBS and ATM. In this regard, a successful message will be displayed to the customer on his mobile number.

(C) Approval through contact center: –

  • Click the radio button against the ‘acceptance via contact center’ option.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • Select the account by clicking on the radio button, for which you have a debit card.
  • Click on the Pro Proceed ‘button.
  • At the next screen, ATM calinked to the selected account will be displayed.
  • Choose the ATM card and click the ‘Proced’ button.
  • On the next screen, the State Gateway of State Bank of India will be displayed.
  • Enter card details (card number, valid through / expiry date, cardholder’s name, PINs and characters visible in the box).
  • Click the ‘submit’ button.
  • Verify the information and click on the ‘Pay’ button.
  • On the next screen, the State Gateway of State Bank of India will be displayed.
  • Enter card details (card number, valid through / expiry date, cardholder’s name, PINs and characters visible in the box).
  • Click the ‘submit’ button.
  • Verify the information and click on the ‘Pay’ button.
  • On successful verification, the customer will be displayed on the following message screen; “Thank you for registering a mobile number with us, the status of your request is pending.Complete the registration process as per your choice. Click here to view the guidelines for completing the process.”
  • An SMS in which “Reference number for change / update mobile number is: UMXXXXXXXXXXX” will be sent to the new mobile number by the INB system.
  • The bank’s contact center will call you only on your new mobile number within the next 3 working days.
  • Before sharing your personal information, ask for the reference number from the person in the Contact Center.
  • Please do not share the reference number with anyone.
  • The contact center will verify your identity on the call by asking some information.
  • On successful verification of information, the new mobile number you input will be copied to INB, CBS and ATM. In this regard, a successful message will also be sent to your new mobile number.

View status and request cancellation: – You can see the status of your request for updation / change of mobile number through INB.

  • Enter online SBI (State Bank of India)
  • Go to the ‘Profile’ tab.
  • Click the ‘Personal Details’ link.
  • Display name, email id and mobile number registered in INB will be displayed.
  • Click on the hyper link ‘Change Mobile Number – Domestic Only (Through OTP / ATM / Contact Center)’.
  • A new screen ‘Personal Details – Mobile Number Update’ will appear with three tabs ‘Create Request’, ‘Cancel Request’ and ‘Status’.
  • Click the ‘Status’ tab to see the current state of your request (pending / successful) to change the mobile number through INB.
  • If you wish to cancel the request, please click on the ‘Cancel Request’ tab and select the request.
  • Click the ‘Cancel Request’ button to cancel the request.
  • A message will appear on the screen ‘Your Reference Number UMxxxxxxxxxx has been successfully canceled’.

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