Sentence in English Grammar: Definition and Types (kinds) with Examples

In this post of English grammar in Hindi, we are going to explore about sentences and their structure, components, and significance in conveying thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Unleash your linguistic prowess and understand how sentences form the foundation of effective written and spoken language.

Sentence क्या है?

बोलते या लिखते समय हम शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हैं। प्रायः इन शब्दों का प्रयोग हम समूह में करते हैं; जैसे-

  1. Dogs bark. (कुत्ते भौंकते हैं।)
  2. God is great. (ईश्वर महान है।)
  3. Gandhiji was a great leader. (गांधी जी महान नेता थे।)
  4. Rana Pratap suffered much. (राणा प्रताप ने बहुत कष्ट सहे।)

अर्थात “शब्दों का ऐसा समूह जिससे पूर्ण भाव व्यक्त हो, Sentence (वाक्य) कहलाता है।

A sentence is a grammatical unit consisting of words that express a complete thought, containing a subject and a predicate. It conveys a meaningful message or idea.

नोट– अंग्रेजी में प्रत्येक वाक्य का प्रथम शब्द Capital Letter से आरम्भ होता है।

Basic structure of a sentence:

The basic structure of a sentence consists of a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject does or what happens to the subject).

  1. Subject
  2. Predicate

For example, in the sentence “The cat sat on the mat,” “The cat” is the subject, and “sat on the mat” is the predicate.

Structure of a Sentence

Kinds of Sentence in English Grammar

English Grammar में प्रायः वाक्यों के भेद दो प्रकार से किए जाते हैं-

1. Based on Usage (प्रयोग के आधार पर):

प्रयोग के आधार पर वाक्य (Sentence) चार प्रकार के होते हैं-

  1. Assertive या Statement या Declarative Sentence (विधिसूचक वाक्य): These make a statement and end with a period (full stop).
  2. Interrogative Sentence (प्रश्नसूचक वाक्य): These ask a question and end with a question mark.
  3. Imperative Sentence (आज्ञासूचक वाक्य): These give commands or requests and end with a period or exclamation mark.
  4. Exclamatory Sentence (विस्मयसूचक वाक्य): These express strong emotions and end with an exclamation mark.

2. Based on Structure (बनावट के आधार पर):

  1. Simple Sentence (सरल वाक्य): These consist of one independent clause and express a complete thought.
  2. Compound Sentence (संयुक्त वाक्य): These consist of two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions or semicolons.
  3. Complex Sentence (मिश्रित वाक्य): These consist of one independent clause and at least one dependent (subordinate) clause.
  4. Compound-Complex Sentences: These consist of two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

Types of Sentences

Types of Sentences Based on their Usage

सर्वप्रथम यहाँ पर हम प्रयोग के आधार पर वाक्यों के भेद के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे-

Assertive Sentence (विधिसूचक वाक्य)

Assertive Sentence से सूचना या घटना का ज्ञान होता है; जैसे-

  • We should respect teachers. (हमें अध्यापकों का सम्मान करना चाहिए।)
  • He did his best. (उसने भरसक प्रयत्न किया।)
  • Socrates was no coward. (सुकरात कायर नहीं था।)
  • Alan could not play the match. (एलन मैच नहीं खेल सका।)

वाक्य (i) और (ii) से भावात्मक सूचना प्राप्त होती है अतः ये वाक्य Affirmative हैं। वाक्य (iii) और (iv) से नकारात्मक सूचना प्राप्त होती है अतः ये वाक्य Negative हैं।

स्पष्ट है कि Assertive Sentence दो प्रकार के होते हैं-

  1. Affirmative या Positive Sentence (स्वीकारात्मक वाक्य)
  2. Negative Sentence (नकारात्मक या निषेधात्मक वाक्य)

Affirmative Sentence (स्वीकारात्मक वाक्य):

Affirmative Sentence से किसी कार्य के होने की सूचना मिलती है; जैसे—

  1. India won the match. (भारत ने मैच जीत लिया।)
  2. Valmiki wrote the Ramayana. (वाल्मीकि ने रामायण लिखी।)
  3. The boy broke the window. (लड़के ने खिड़की तोड़ डाली।)
  4. Agra is the city of the Taj. (आगरा ताज की नगरी है।)

Negative Sentence (नकारात्मक वाक्य):

Negative Sentence से नकारात्मक सूचना मिलती है; जैसे-

  1. He is never nervous. (वह कभी भी निराश नहीं होता है।)
  2. He feared none. (वह किसी से नहीं डरता था।)
  3. You did not go there. (तुम वहाँ नहीं गये।)
  4. The thief was not caught. (चोर नहीं पकड़ा गया।)

नोट– Assertive Sentence के अन्त में Full stop (.) लगाया जाता है।

Interrogative Sentence (प्रश्नसूचक वाक्य)

Interrogative Sentence से प्रश्न (Question) का भाव प्रकट होता है; जैसे-

Type 1:

  1. Will you go there? (क्या तुम वहाँ जाओगे?)
  2. Did he pass? (क्या वह पास हो गया?)

Type 2:

  1. How are you? (तुम्हारी तबियत कैसी है?)
  2. Where do you live? (तुम कहाँ रहते हो ?)

प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य दो प्रकार के होते हैं-

  1. Starting with Verb : वे वाक्य जो क्रिया से आरम्भ होते हैं, अर्थात जिनके आरम्भ में प्रश्नसूचक शब्द नहीं होता है। [Type 1 के वाक्यों को देखिए।]
  2. Starting with Question Words: वे वाक्य जो प्रश्नसूचक शब्दों से आरम्भ होते हैं। [Type 2 के वाक्यों को देखिए।]

नोट– प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों के अन्त में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) लगाना आवश्यक है।

Imperative Sentence (आज्ञासूचक वाक्य)

Imperative Sentence से आज्ञा, विनय तथा परामर्श आदि का ज्ञान होता है; जैसे-

  1. Be quiet. (शान्त रहो।) (Order-आज्ञा)
  2. Have mercy upon us. (हम पर दया कीजिए।) (Request-विनय)
  3. Never tell a lie. (कभी झूठ मत बोलो।) (Advice – परामर्श)
  4. Do not make a noise. (शोर मत करो।) (Prohibition-निषेध)

ध्यान रखें

Imperative Sentence के अन्त में भी Full Stop (.) लगाया जाता है।

Imperative Sentences में कर्ता (Subject) छिपा रहता है। यह छिपा हुआ कर्ता सदैव You होता है; जैसे-

  • Thank him. = You, thank him. (तुम, उसे धन्यवाद दो।)

Exclamatory Sentence (विस्मयसूचक वाक्य)

Exclamatory Sentence से आश्चर्य, शोक, हर्ष आदि भावनायें प्रकट होती हैं; जैसे-

  1. How beautiful is the rain! (वर्षा कितनी सुखद है!)
  2. How cold the day is! (दिन कितना ठंडा है!)
  3. What a lazy boy you are! (तुम कितने आलसी लड़के हो !)
  4. What a shame! (कितने शर्म की बात!)

नोट- विस्मयसूचक वाक्यों के अन्त में विस्मयसूचक चिन्ह (!) लगा होता है। कभी-कभी इन वाक्यों में क्रिया स्पष्ट रूप से नहीं दी होती है। (अन्तिम वाक्य देखिए)

Test Yourself: Read the following sentences carefully and tell whether they are Assertive, Imperative, Interrogative or Exclamatory.

  1. Surdas was blind.
  2. God is love.
  3. Time is wealth.
  4. Please wait here.
  5. Are you ill?
  6. The earth is round.
  7. All work is noble.
  8. Do not waste time.
  9. March forward.
  10. What an idea !
  11. Truth is beauty.
  12. No work is low.
  13. Be good to others.
  14. Where does he live?
  15. How nice he played !

Let’s analyze each sentence to identify its type:

  1. Surdas was blind. – Assertive
  2. God is love. – Assertive
  3. Time is wealth. – Assertive
  4. Please wait here. – Imperative
  5. Are you ill? – Interrogative
  6. The earth is round. – Assertive
  7. All work is noble. – Assertive
  8. Do not waste time. – Imperative
  9. March forward. – Imperative
  10. What an idea! – Exclamatory
  11. Truth is beauty. – Assertive
  12. No work is low. – Assertive
  13. Be good to others. – Imperative
  14. Where does he live? – Interrogative
  15. How nice he played! – Exclamatory

अब हम बनावट के आधार पर (Based on Structure) वाक्यों के भेद जानेंगे।

Types of Sentences Based on their Structure

English Grammar में बनावट (Structure) या उपवाक्यों (Clauses) के आधार पर वाक्य मुख्य रूप से तीन प्रकार के होते हैं-

  1. Simple Sentence (सरल वाक्य)
  2. Compound Sentence (संयुक्त वाक्य)
  3. Complex Sentence (मिश्रित वाक्य)

एक चौथा भी होता है, जो Complex और Compound का संयुक्त रूप होता है-

  1. Compound-Complex Sentences

Simple Sentence

सरल वाक्य (Simple Sentence) ऐसा वाक्य होता है जिसमें Full Verb (Finite Verb) केवल एक होती है; जैसे-

  1. Stop.
  2. I went to Delhi.
  3. Hari is reading.
  4. I am being taught by Mr. Gupta.
  5. He has been suffering from fever since morning.
  6. I shall have been reading for two hours.

पहले वाक्य में Verb में केवल एक शब्द- Stop है। दूसरे वाक्य में Verb में केवल एक शब्द- went है। तीसरे वाक्य में Verb में केवल दो शब्द- is और reading हैं जिनके संयोग से Full Verb (Finite Verb) “is reading” बनी है। चौथे वाक्य में Verb में तीन शब्द- am, being और taught हैं जिनके संयोग से Full Verb (Finite Verb) “am being taught” बनी है। यह वाक्य Passive Voice में है। पाँचवें वाक्य में Verb में तीन शब्द- has, been और suffering हैं जिनके संयोग से Finite Verb (Full Verb) “has been suffering” बनी है। छठे वाक्य में Verb में चार शब्द- shall, have been और reading हैं जिनके संयोग से Finite Verb (Full Verb) “shall have been reading” बनी है।

Finite Verb के अंतर्गत Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (अर्थात Infinitive, Participle तथा Gerund) नहीं आती हैं; जैसे-

  • He has come here to read. (इस वाक्य में “to read” Infinitive है।)
  • Hearing the noise, the boy woke up. (इस वाक्य में “hearing” Present Participle है।)
  • He was beaten for telling a lie. (इस वाक्य में “telling” Gerund है।)

Compound Sentence

संयुक्त वाक्य (Compound Sentence) ऐसा उपवाक्य होता है जिसमें कम से कम एक Clause मुख्य उपवाक्य (Principal Clause) की Co-ordinate (समानपदीय) होती है; जैसे-

  1. Yesterday Hari came here but he did not work. (इस वाक्य में “Yesterday Hari came here” Principal Clause है, तथा “But he did not work” Co-ordinate Clause है।
  2. He put his hat on, took the walking stick and went out. (इस वाक्य में “He put his hat on” Principal Clause है; “(he) took the walking stick” पहली Co-ordinate Clause और “And (he) went out” दूसरी Co-ordinate Clause है।

नोट– इस प्रकार स्पष्ट है कि Compound Sentence के लिए कम से कम एक Co-ordinate Clause का होना आवश्यक है। Subordinate Clause के होने या न होने से Compound Sentence के मूल रूप पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है।

Compound Sentences में मुख्य रूप से Co-ordinating Conjunctions का प्रयोग होता है। मुख्य Co-ordinating Conjunctions निम्नलिखित हैं-

  • Either…or
  • Neither…nor
  • Or
  • Nor
  • And
  • But
  • Still
  • Otherwise
  • Else
  • Yet
  • For
  • So

Use of Co-ordinating Conjunctions in Compound Sentences:

  1. He tried his best but could not solve the problem.
  2. Who came here and left this note on my table?
  3. A soldier should obey orders or he will be punished.
  4. You may go either by bus or by train.
  5. He is very rich, yet he is not happy.
  6. He is neither intelligent nor hardworking.
  7. Let’s go by taxi for we are already late.
  8. He is not only lazy but also mischievous.
  9. We couldn’t get a ticket for the film, so we came back.
  10. The police beat the thief mercilessly, so the thief died.
  11. He is very rich, but he is not happy.
  12. The old man was very rich, still he was not happy.
  13. We both love and honour her.
  14. Make haste or you will be late.
  15. He was all right, only he was tired.
  16. Walk quickly, else you will not overtake him.
  17. Neither he reads, nor does he let me read.
  18. He cannot speak, nor can he write.
  19. I did my best, nevertheless I failed.
  20. Work hard otherwise you will not pass.
  21. He neither came nor sent any message.
    [He neither came nor (he) sent any message.]
  22. The innocent were punished as well as the guilty.
    [The innocent were punished as well as the guilty (were punished).]

Complex Sentence

मिश्रित वाक्य (Complex Sentence) ऐसा वाक्य होता है जिसमें केवल एक Principal Clause हो और कम से कम एक Subordinate Clause हो, जैसे-

  1. Mohan said that he would not go to Agra.
  2. I know the man who said that this would happen.
  3. Whenever he heard the question, the old man who lived in that house, answered that the earth is round.

पहले वाक्य में “Mohan said” Principal Clause और “That he would not go to Agra” Subordinate Clause है। दूसरे वाक्य में “I know the man” Principal Clause है और “(i) Who said, तथा (ii) That this would happen” दो Subordinate Clauses है। तीसरे वाक्य में “The old man answered” Principal Clause है, और इस वाक्य की तीन Subordinate Clauses निम्नलिखित हैं-

  1. Whenever he heard the question – Adverb Clause.
  2. Who lived in that house – Adjective Clause.
  3. That the earth is round – Noun Clause.

नोट– Complex Sentence में Subordinate Clauses की संख्या से वाक्य की रचना पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है। Complex Sentence की मुख्य पहिचान यह है कि उसमें केवल एक Principal Clause होती है और अन्य सब Clauses (उपवाक्य) Subordinate Clauses होती हैं।

Compound-Complex Sentences

These consist of two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

Compound-complex sentences consist of:

  1. Two or more independent clauses: These are complete thoughts that can stand alone as sentences.
  2. At least one dependent clause: Also known as a subordinate clause, it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and depends on the independent clause(s) to make sense.

The combination of independent and dependent clauses allows compound-complex sentences to convey more complex and nuanced ideas.

Here’s an example of a compound-complex sentence:

  • “Although it was raining, Mary went to the park, and John stayed at home to finish his homework.”

In this example:

  • “Although it was raining” is the dependent clause.
  • “Mary went to the park” and “John stayed at home to finish his homework” are the two independent clauses.


Combine each sets of sentences given below into a Compound sentence using appropriate Conjunction :

  1. The telephone was ringing. No one came to attend to it.
  2. He lost his parents in his boyhood. He was looked after by his uncle.
  3. He got a first class. He also stood first in the whole state.
  4. He never seemed to work hard. He passed the examination.
  5. His wife is away. He eats out.
  6. Men may come. Men may go. I go on for ever.
  7. You can go by train. You can go by bus, too.
  8. He didn’t come and see me. He didn’t write to me either.
  9. You should invite him personally. Otherwise he won’t come.
  10. We couldn’t buy anything. The shops were closed.

Answers: Combined Compound Sentences:

  1. The telephone was ringing, but no one came to attend to it.
  2. He lost his parents in his boyhood, but he was looked after by his uncle.
  3. He got a first class, and he also stood first in the whole state.
  4. He never seemed to work hard, yet he passed the examination.
  5. His wife is away, so he eats out.
  6. Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever.
  7. You can go by train or you can go by bus, too.
  8. He didn’t come and see me, nor did he write to me.
  9. You should invite him personally, otherwise he won’t come.
  10. We couldn’t buy anything because the shops were closed.

Add a Clause to each of the following with the Conjunctions- and, as well as, or, nor, but, yet.

  1. The doctor tried his best to save the life of the patient, ………………
  2. My brother is neither intelligent ………………
  3. The hunter aimed at the tiger ………………
  4. The thief broke into the house ………………
  5. Your son is good at mathematics ………………
  6. He is arriving either today ………………
  7. Sudha can speak English well ………………
  8. I worked very hard ………………
  9. My peon is honest ………………
  10. Please hurry up ………………

Answers: Completed Compound Sentences:

  1. The doctor tried his best to save the life of the patient, but unfortunately, he couldn’t succeed.
  2. My brother is neither intelligent nor hardworking.
  3. The hunter aimed at the tiger yet missed the target.
  4. The thief broke into the house and stole valuable items.
  5. Your son is good at mathematics as well as science.
  6. He is arriving either today or tomorrow.
  7. Sudha can speak English well and French fluently.
  8. I worked very hard, yet I couldn’t complete the task on time.
  9. My peon is honest and trustworthy.
  10. Please hurry up or you will miss the bus.

Add a Clause to each of the following sentences with the Conjunctions-and, so, or, nor, but, yet :

  1. I ran fast ………………
  2. Sit down ………………
  3. The horse ………………
  4. Make haste ………………
  5. He tried hard ………………
  6. Be good ………………
  7. He neither returned the goods ………………
  8. He finished his work ………………
  9. He must not be late ………………
  10. He is poor ………………
  11. Keep quiet ………………
  12. He did not work at all ………………

Answers: Completed Compound Sentences:

  1. I ran fast, but I couldn’t catch the bus.
  2. Sit down, so we can have a conversation.
  3. The horse is old, yet it still runs fast.
  4. Make haste or you will miss the train.
  5. He tried hard, but he couldn’t solve the problem.
  6. Be good and you will be rewarded.
  7. He neither returned the goods nor apologized for his mistake.
  8. He finished his work, so he could go home early.
  9. He must not be late or he will face consequences.
  10. He is poor, yet he is always willing to help others.
  11. Keep quiet, or you will disturb the meeting.
  12. He did not work at all, nor did he show any interest in the project.


Complex Sentence बनाने के लिए Noun Clause, Adjective Clause तथा Adverb Clause का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Use of Noun Clause

To create a complex sentence using a noun clause, you can follow this structure:

[Independent Clause] + [Subordinating Conjunction] + [Noun Clause]

निम्नलिखित उदाहरणों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए-

  • He informed me that the result would be out soon.
  • I cannot remember where I left my umbrella.

इन वाक्यों में गहरे रंग के शब्दों द्वारा Noun Clauses व्यक्त हो रही हैं। पहले वाक्य में ‘Noun Clause’ Principal Clause की क्रिया “informed” का Object (कर्म) है। दूसरे वाक्य में ‘Noun Clause’ Principal Clause की क्रिया ‘cannot remember’  का Object (कर्म) है।

  • That was how he got the job.

इस वाक्य में गहरे रंग के शब्दों से Noun Clause व्यक्त हुई है। यह Clause- Principal Clause की Verb ‘was‘ की Complement (पूरक) है।

  • Don’t worry about what he told you.

इस वाक्य में ‘What he told you’ – Noun Clause हैं। यह Clause- मुख्य उपवाक्य (Principal Clause) में प्रयुक्त ‘About‘ Preposition की Object है। इसे व्याकरण की भाषा में इस प्रकार कहा जाता है- What he told you- Noun Clause, Governed by the Preposition ‘about‘ in the Principal Clause.

  • How this happened, baffles me.

इस वाक्य में निम्नलिखित Clauses हैं- (i) (It) baffles me- Principal Clause. और (ii) How this happened- Noun Clause, Subject to the verb ‘baffles‘ in the Principal Clause.

  • The information that he had won the election proved to be wrong. (यह सूचना कि वह चुनाव जीत गया, गलत निकली।)

इस वाक्य में गहरे रंग के शब्दों से Noun Clause व्यक्त हुई है। इस वाक्य में निम्नलिखित Clauses हैं- (i) ‘The information proved to be wrong’- Principal Clause. और (ii) ‘That he had won the election’- Noun Clause, Case in apposition with the noun ‘information‘ in Principal Clause.

कौन-सी सूचना:- ‘कि वह चुनाव जीत गया।’, अतः Noun Clause- Information का  Case in apposition है।

  • I am certain that I left my purse here.

इस वाक्य में गहरे रंग के शब्दों द्वारा Noun Clause व्यक्त हुई है। (i) ‘I am certain’- Principal Clause. और (ii) ‘That I left my purse here’- Noun Clause, Complement to the Adjective ‘certain’.

Complete the following sentences by adding a Noun Clause beginning with- that, who, what, when, where, why, how.

  1. He doesn’t know ………………
  2. It was really unfortunate ………………
  3. We cannot rely on ………………
  4. ……………… surprised everyone in the house.
  5. The principal asked me ………………
  6. It is true ………………
  7. We found ………………
  8. Do ………………
  9. ……………… is not certain.
  10. He says ………………
  11. No one knows ………………
  12. Tell me ………………

Answers: Completed Sentence:

  1. He doesn’t know why she left.
  2. It was really unfortunate what happened to them.
  3. We cannot rely on what he says.
  4. When the news broke, it surprised everyone in the house.
  5. The principal asked me where I was going.
  6. It is true that honesty is the best policy.
  7. We found out where they hid the treasure.
  8. Do you know how to solve this problem?
  9. When the event will take place is not certain.
  10. He says that he will be late.
  11. No one knows what the future holds.
  12. Tell me when you will arrive.

Use of Adjective Clauses (Restrictive Clause)

Adjective Clause- Relative Pronouns और Relative Adverbs से बनती है। इनमें प्रायः Who, Whom, That, Which, When, Where, Why, As का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इन शब्दों से पहले इनके पूर्ववर्ती (Antecedent) का होना आवश्यक है। Adjective Clause की रचना में सबसे आवश्यक बात यह है कि Relative Pronoun तथा Relative Adverb का प्रयोग Restrictive Sense (सीमित भाव) में होना चाहिए, इनका प्रयोग Continuative Sense (Non-Definiting Sense-निरन्तरताबोधक) में नहीं होना चाहिए

Adjective Clause में As के प्रयोग से पहले Such या Same अवश्य आता है।

For Examples:

  1. 1. The ‘book’ that you gave me is very interesting.
  2. The ‘train’ which is arriving now goes to Varanasi.
  3. We saw the ‘hut’ in which Gandhiji lived.
  4. The ‘bus’ that brought me here has gone back.
  5. We went to the ‘Ashram’ where Gandhiji lived.
  6. Do you know the ‘time’ when the train will arrive?
  7. No one knows the ‘reason’ why he wants to give up his job?
  8. I hate ‘such boys’ as are lazy.
  9. This is the ‘same book’ as I wished to buy.

उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में प्रत्येक वाक्य Complex Sentence है जिसमें एक Principal Clause है और दूसरी Adjective Clause है। गहरे रंग के शब्दों से Adjective Clauses प्रदर्शित की गयी हैं। इन Adjective Clauses में Relative Pronouns तथा Relative Adverbs का प्रयोग Restrictive Sense में हुआ है।

नोट– Adjective Clause को Relative Clause भी कहते हैं।

Some More Examples:

  1. He is the boy who broke the window. (Complex Sentence)
  2. I met Rama, who gave me your message. (Compound Sentence)

पहले वाक्य में ‘Who broke the window’- Adjective Clause (Relative Clause) है और वाक्य- Complex Sentence है क्योंकि Who का प्रयोग Restrictive Sense में हुआ है। दूसरा वाक्य Who gave me your message- Co-ordinate Clause है क्योंकि Who का प्रयोग Continuative Sense में हुआ है और वाक्य-Compound Sentence हैं।

  • I met Rama, who gave me your message. = I met Rama and he gave me your message.

Complete the following sentences by filling in the gaps with- who, whose, whom, which, that :

  1. The man . . . the police arrested this morning is a notorious person.
  2. He introduced me to Mr. Pandey . . . younger brother is a famous artist.
  3. She is the only girl . . . I have ever loved.
  4. The writer . . . works I like most is Premchand.
  5. Send me the papers . . . you want me to sign.
  6. Can you recognize the boy . . . has broken the window panes?
  7. I dislike the men . . . tell lies.
  8. The dog . . . bit my servant was mad.
  9. Please get me the tools . . . I need for this job.
  10. Is this the picture . . . you were looking for?
  11. I know a mechanic . . . can repair your car.
  12. You may occupy any chair . . . is lying vacant.

Answers: Completed Sentence:

  1. The man whom the police arrested this morning is a notorious person.
  2. He introduced me to Mr. Pandey whose younger brother is a famous artist.
  3. She is the only girl whom I have ever loved.
  4. The writer whose works I like most is Premchand.
  5. Send me the papers that you want me to sign.
  6. Can you recognize the boy who has broken the window panes?
  7. I dislike the men who tell lies.
  8. The dog that bit my servant was mad.
  9. Please get me the tools that I need for this job.
  10. Is this the picture that you were looking for?
  11. I know a mechanic who can repair your car.
  12. You may occupy any chair that is lying vacant.

(i) सामान्यतया Who (जो), Whom (जिसको) और Whose (जिसका) का प्रयोग व्यक्तियों के लिए किया जाता है। Who- Nominative Case, Whom-Objective Case में तथा Whose- Possessive Case में प्रयुक्त होता है।(ii) Which का प्रयोग निर्जीव वस्तुओं तथा जानवरों के लिए होता है। Which का प्रयोग Nominative Case तथा Objective Case में होता है।(iii) That का प्रयोग निर्जीव वस्तुओं के लिए Nominative तथा Objective Case में होता है।

Joining Two Sentences to make a Complex Sentence Using Relative Pronoun & Relative Adverb

Relative Pronoun तथा Relative Adverb के प्रयोग से दो Simple Sentences को जोड़कर एक Complex Sentence बनाया जा सकता है। जैसे-

  1. Rama went to Delhi by train.
  2. The train met with an accident.

Combined Sentence: The train by which Rama went to Delhi met with an accident. (यह Complex Sentence है, यहाँ गहरे रंग के शब्दों से Adjective Clause प्रदर्शित हो रही है।)

Relative Pronouns जो Adjective Clause की क्रिया (Verb) के Object होते हैं, प्राय: लुप्त किये जा सकते हैं, जैसे-

  1. The book (that) you gave me is very interesting.
  2. The train (which) I took was the wrong one.
  3. Here is the boy (whom) you wished to see.

यदि Adjective Clause में Relative Pronoun किसी Preposition का Object हो तो Relative Pronoun को लुप्त करने पर Preposition को Adjective Clause के अन्त में रखते हैं; जैसे-

  1. The boy to whom you gave the book hasn’t yet returned it. = The boy you gave the book to hasn’t yet returned it.
  2. The man on whom I most depended has cheated me. = The man I most depended on has cheated me.
  3. The way by which he won the match is a mystery. = The way he won the match by is a mystery.

Combine each set of Simple Sentences into one Complex Sentence containing an Adjective Clause:

  1. A lady wrote the novel. She is expected here today.
  2. You borrowed a book from the library. Have you returned it?
  3. We live in a village. It has no electricity.
  4. That is the street. We lived in it two years ago.
  5. Some men were injured in the accident. They are still in the hospital.
  6. A boy sang the best. He won a medal.
  7. He spoke on a subject. He studied it very well.
  8. He held a post in the bank. It was one of the top posts in it.
  9. We had bought an old car. It gave us a lot of trouble.
  10. Buddha attained enlightenment under a tree. It is called the Bodhi tree.

Answers: Combined Complex Sentences containing an Adjective Clause:

  1. A lady who wrote the novel is expected here today.
  2. Have you returned the book that you borrowed from the library?
  3. We live in a village that has no electricity.
  4. That is the street in which we lived two years ago.
  5. The men who were injured in the accident are still in the hospital.
  6. The boy who sang the best won a medal.
  7. He spoke on a subject that he studied very well.
  8. He held a post in the bank, which was one of the top posts in it.
  9. We had bought an old car that gave us a lot of trouble.
  10. Buddha attained enlightenment under a tree called the Bodhi tree.

Use of Adverb Clause (Adverbial Clause)

Complex Sentence बनाने के लिए Adverb Clause का भी प्रयोग करते हैं। Adverb Clause बनाने के लिए Subordinating Conjunctions- that, if, when, where, why, because, than, ill, until, unless, though, although, after, before, while, since, lest, as soon as, as long as, so long as, in case, even if आदि का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases, choosing them from the ones given in brackets:

  1. The train had left ………. I reached the station.(after, since, before)
  2. We could not answer all the questions………..there was not enough time.(as long as, although, because)
  3. Industries must be started in the villages…………cities might not get too crowded.(because, so that, as soon as)
  4. Note my address in your diary you should forget it.(as, because, lest)
  5.  ……. it was getting late, I sent for a taxi.(since, when, though)
  6. …………..the teacher entered the class, the boys became quiet.(as long as, as soon as, before)
  7.  ………..we had seen the film earlier, we wanted to see it again.(because, as, although)
  8. He looks much younger ………….he is.(than, then, as)
  9. Plants breathe………. animals do.(because, so, as)
  10. I have not heard from him …………….. he left the town.(as, since, after)
  11. He stopped his studies………. his father had passed away.(before, after, till)
  12. He had stopped his studies……… his father passed away.(before, after, till)

Answers: Completed Complex Sentences:

  1. The train had left before I reached the station.
  2. We could not answer all the questions because there was not enough time.
  3. Industries must be started in the villages so that cities might not get too crowded.
  4. Note my address in your diary lest you should forget it.
  5. Since it was getting late, I sent for a taxi.
  6. As soon as the teacher entered the class, the boys became quiet.
  7. Although we had seen the film earlier, we wanted to see it again.
  8. He looks much younger than he is.
  9. Plants breathe as animals do.
  10. I have not heard from him since he left the town.
  11. He stopped his studies after his father had passed away.
  12. He had stopped his studies before his father passed away.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the Verbs given in brackets :

  1. I shall speak to him if he ……. …. (come) here.
  2. If that house had one more room, we……….(have) sufficient accommodation for our family.
  3. If he stood for election, he ………..(surely win).
  4. If they…………(sell) the house last year, they wouldn’t have got this price.
  5. If he………..(stand) for election, he would have lost.
  6. If we ………(reach) the station two minutes earlier, we could have caught the train.
  7. If his father had not died, Anil………..(continue) his studies.
  8. If he had been more fit, he……….(win) the race.

Answers: Completed Complex Sentences:

  1. I shall speak to him if he comes here.
  2. If that house had one more room, we would have sufficient accommodation for our family.
  3. If he stood for election, he would surely win.
  4. If they had sold the house last year, they wouldn’t have got this price.
  5. If he had stood for election, he would have lost.
  6. If we had reached the station two minutes earlier, we could have caught the train.
  7. If his father had not died, Anil would have continued his studies.
  8. If he had been more fit, he would have won the race.

Joining Two Sentences to make a Complex Sentence Using Adverb Clause

Adverb Clause के प्रयोग द्वारा दो वाक्यों को मिलाकर एक Complex Sentence बनाया जा सकता है। Complex Sentence बनाने के लिए Subordinating Conjunction का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Adverb Clause of Condition के लिए if, unless, in case का प्रयोग होता है।

Using the joining words given in brackets, combine each set of sentences into one Complex Sentence containing an Adverb Clause of condition :

  1. I worked hard. I passed the examination.(as)
  2. You should stop smoking. You could then get rid of the cough.(if)
  3. He didn’t demand dowry. The girl agreed to marry him.(as)
  4. There was no doctor at hand. The injured man could not be saved.(as)
  5. Pull the chain. The train will stop.(if)
  6. He drove too fast. He lost control.(if)
  7. He did not work hard. That’s why he didn’t pass.(as)
  8. Don’t offer advice to people. You should be asked for it.(unless)
  9. He should be taught a lesson. Otherwise he won’t mend his ways.(unless)

Answers: Combined Complex Sentences:

  1. As I worked hard, I passed the examination.
  2. If you should stop smoking, you could then get rid of the cough.
  3. As he didn’t demand dowry, the girl agreed to marry him.
  4. As there was no doctor at hand, the injured man could not be saved.
  5. If you pull the chain, the train will stop.
  6. If he drove too fast, he lost control.
  7. As he did not work hard, that’s why he didn’t pass.
  8. Unless you are asked for it, don’t offer advice to people.
  9. Unless he is taught a lesson, he won’t mend his ways.

Learn: Division/Parts of the Sentence


What is the basic structure of a sentence?

The basic structure of a sentence consists of a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject does or what happens to the subject). For example, in the sentence “The cat sat on the mat,” “The cat” is the subject, and “sat on the mat” is the predicate.

How do you identify the different types of sentences (e.g., declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory)?

You can identify different types of sentences based on their function and punctuation.

  1. Declarative sentences make statements and end with a period (e.g., “I love reading books.”)
  2. Interrogative sentences ask questions and end with a question mark (e.g., “Are you coming to the party?”)
  3. Imperative sentences give commands or requests and often end with a period or exclamation mark (e.g., “Please pass me the salt.”)
  4. Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions and end with an exclamation mark (e.g., “What a beautiful day!”)

What are the key components of a sentence, such as subject, predicate, and object?

The key components of a sentence are:

  1. Subject: The main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about (e.g., “The dog” in “The dog chased the ball.”)
  2. Predicate: The part of the sentence that tells what the subject is doing or what is happening to the subject (e.g., “chased the ball” in “The dog chased the ball.”)
  3. Object: The noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb (e.g., “the ball” in “The dog chased the ball.”). Not all sentences have an object; it depends on the type of sentence and the verb used.

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