A coordinate clause consists of a subject and a predicate and can be joined with other coordinate clauses using coordinating conjunctions such as “and,” “but,” “or,” “so,” or “yet.”
ऐसा उपवाक्य जो अपने साथ प्रयुक्त दूसरे उपवाक्य के समान हो, समानपदीय उपवाक्य (Co-ordinate Clause) कहलाता हैं। इनके द्वारा प्रायः संयुक्त वाक्य (Compound Sentence) का निर्माण होता है।
Co-ordinate Clause Meaning and Definition
A coordinate clause is a type of clause that can function as a standalone sentence because it expresses a complete thought. It consists of a subject and a predicate and can be joined with other coordinate clauses using coordinating conjunctions such as “and,” “but,” “or,” “so,” or “yet.”
समानपदीय उपवाक्य (Co-ordinate Clause) वह उपवाक्य होता है। जो वाक्य की अन्य किसी उपवाक्य के समान दर्जे का हो। यह Clause (उपवाक्य) Co-ordinating Conjunctions (जैसे – And, But, Still, Or या Nor आदि) से आरम्भ होती है, जैसे-
Examples of Co-ordinate Clause:
- Rama passed but his brother failed. (इस वाक्य में दो Clauses हैं- “Rama passed.” और “But his brother failed.”)
- God made the country and man made the town. (इस वाक्य में दो Clauses हैं- “God made the country.” और “And man made the town.”)
- She must weep or she must die. (इस वाक्य में दो Clauses हैं- “She must weep.” और “Or she must die.”)
इन वाक्यों में “But his brother failed.”, “And man made the town.” और “Or she must die.” Co-ordinate clause हैं, जो Principal clause को Co-ordinate कर रहीं हैं।
नोट– उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट है कि जब वाक्य में Principal Clause की एक Co-ordinate Clause (समानपदीय उपवाक्य) भी होती है, तब वह वाक्य संयुक्त वाक्य (Compound Sentence) होता है।