Birds Name in Hindi and English, with Sanskrit
In this chapter you will know the names of bird in Hindi, Sanskrit and English. We are going to discuss Birds Name’s List & Table in Hindi, Sanskrit & English. In this page we are listed 39 Birds Name in Hindi, Sanskrit and English. Hindi Birds Name is very important up-to 5th standard and above. Birds Name is the most important topic/lesson for your child. So these are the Birds Name in Sanskrit, Hindi and English: (देखें – Animals name in Hindi and Sanskrit)
Birds Name in Hindi- पक्षियों के नाम हिंदी, अंग्रेजी, संस्कृत में
Serial | English | Hindi | Sanskrit |
1. | Bird | पक्षी | खगः |
2. | Bat | चमगादड़ | जतुका |
3. | Bee | मक्खी | मधुपः |
4. | Black Bee | भौरा | भ्रमरः |
5. | Cock | मुर्गा | कुक्कुटः |
6. | Common Myna | सारिका | कलहप्रिया |
7. | Crane | सारस | सारसः |
8. | Crow | कौवा | काकः |
9. | Cuckoo | कोयल | कोकिलः, पिकः |
10. | Dove | फाख्ता | कपोतः |
11. | Duck | बतख | वर्तिका / वर्तकः |
12. | Eagle | चील | श्येनः |
13. | Flamingo | राज हंस | राजः हंसः |
14. | Hawk Cuckoo | पपीहा, कपक, उपक | उपकः, श्येनः |
15. | Hawk, Falcon | बाज़ | श्येनः |
16. | Hen | मुर्गी | कुक्कुटी |
17. | Hoopoe | हुदहुद | पुत्रप्रिय |
18. | Kingfisher | राम चिरैया | मीनरंक |
19. | King of Birds | गरुण | गरुडः |
20. | Kite | चील | कुमुद,खकामिनी |
21. | Mynah | मैना | सरिकाः |
22. | Nightingale | बुलबुल | कलापी |
23. | Ostrich | शुतरमुर्ग | ऊष्ट्रपक्षी |
24. | Owl | उल्लु | उलूकः |
25. | Parrot | तोता | शुकः |
26. | Partridge | तीतर, चकोर | तित्तिरि, चकोर |
27. | Peacock | मोर | मयूरः |
28. | Pigeon | कबूतर | कपोतः |
29. | Quail | बटेर | वर्तकः |
30. | Rooster | मुर्गा | कृकवाकु |
31. | Skylark | चकता, अबाबील, चकवा | भारद्वाजकी, चक्रवाक |
32. | Sparrow | गौरेया चिड़िया | चटकः |
33. | Spoon Bill | चमचा, दाबिल | दर्विदा, खजाक |
34. | Stork | बगुला | वकः |
35. | Swan | हंस | हंसः, मरालः |
36. | Vulture | गीद्ध | गृधः |
37. | Wag Tail | खंजन | खंजनः |
38. | Weaver Bird | बया | बया |
39. | Woodpecker | कठफोडवा | शतच्छद |
जानिए: सभी ग्रहों के नाम (Planets Name in Hindi)।
Importance of Birds name
So these are the Birds name in Hindi, Sanskrit and English. if you like these Birds name’s list please share this info to your friends and others. Sanskrit Birds name is very important.
(देखें – Animals name in Hindi and Sanskrit)